Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Holding Lincoln

We finally got to hold Lincoln Kangaroo Style- skin to skin! AMAZING! He is the cutest! He loved it. His stats were great, and he just snoozed. These pics will put it in perspective of just how small he is. He is doing so great. I think that time with his mommy and daddy is helping his healing process so much!
I love these 2 boys!



Jenny said...

Adorable! Seeing Lincoln in his your arms is precious. You are giving him so much strength. He LOVES you, he was so cozy and just snoozed, that is too cute. :)

Aramelle {One Wheeler's World} said...

Hi Kim and Dave...
Jana gave me your blog address, and I've been following along with how your little man is doing. I'm so glad to see these pictures of you both holding your beautiful boy!

Kirsty said...

What an awesome update! I am so excited you get to hold him. I am sure it will help him to thrive. Well done sweet Lincoln. The power of prayer and so much love is just amazing. Hang in there!!!