It is wonderful and magical and terribly hard and frustrating and joyful all at the same time. We feel all of these emotions multiple times a day. I have so much to say and not enough time to say it as there will be a screaming child begging for my attention in 10 minutes or less.
So until I can write again in detail just know that it is such a blessing to have Lincoln at home. He is making HUGE strides already in the past week. He can hold his head up quite well. He grabs at the toys dangling from his bouncy chair and he smiles so much! On a really rough day he can just smile at me for a minute and it makes all the hard stuff worth it.
I spend my day (and nights) walking around attached to a g- tube string, wound vac cords and of course a very precious cuddly baby. It is so fun and honestly such an adjustment- but I wouldn't have it any other way!
We will keep you updated- keep checking back, I have a gazillion pictures to post when I get the time!
LOVES to all!
MERRY CHRISTMAS KIM AND DAVE!!!! What better gift could you ask for this Christmas! WOW! I am so over joyed for your little family! That sweet baby boy is finally home where he should be! All of the struggles and trials are all worth it now to have him home I'm sure and to see his sweet smiling face! I can't express how happy I am for you guys! Give that sweet boy a big squeeze from us! Merry Christmas!
A Big Round of Applause to one of the most AMAZING families I know! Way to go Lincoln!! I am so thrilled to read he is home! He looks so good! I am so happy for you three! Lots of love and hugs! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Holly H. :)
WOW!! I am so happy for you!! And while it is hard, these days won't last long! Before you know it he will be all grown up! I am so excited that he is home, I think of you guys all the time and I am very comforted right now! Love yoU!!
Hooray!! I heard the rumor and didn't believe it! So exciting for you! I'm so glad you can spend Christmas at home as a family! Love you, Kim!!
Oh what a wonderful Christmas gift!! I am so thrilled for you all, but I can only imagine the work and worry that this brings. Continued prayers as you make this adjustment that it will be as smooth and easy as possible. He is just the cutest, smiliest sweetest baby ever! xoxox
I have been checking daily for an update and this one made my day!!
PS: could you please, please send me your new address again (I mislaid it) and want to send you a card.
This is such wonderful, wonderful news! I am so very happy that your little man made it home in time for Christmas. Cherish every second of these first few days at home. It goes so, so quickly.
Yeah, I am so excited for you guys. What amazing people you are! Please know I am thinking about you and praying for you.
Yeah!!! Lincoln is home, sweet home!!!
This is absolutely thrilling! How wonderful! It finally happened, Lincoln is home! You both are so awesome, and I know Lincoln will thrive in the warm embrace and comfort that "home" is and with the loving care and positive energy that flows from the both of you, he will just continue to get bigger and stronger, and could he be more adorable?
This is one time, I can say for sure, the power of prayer works!
Love to you all
Mary, Micah and Lucy
Yay! So excited for your family! Lincoln is ADORABLE!!! He looks so much like you Kim. Merry Christmas!
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