Saturday, November 20, 2010


Lincoln is doing really well. He has fully recovered from his surgery, and we still visit the hyperbaric chamber 5 days a week. The docs are impressed that his leg is looking so good. The muscle and tissue looks healthy and we hope to have skin grafts within the next month or so. Here are a couple of the latest pictures. He is so much more awake and alert lately. He loves to look around and likes to be propped up on his boppy.

 This is the G-tube that feeds his belly when he is unable to eat all his food by mouth. We are hoping he won't need it very long. He is doing better everyday on bottle feeds.
Loves to everyone. We appreciate your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Love his new outfit ;) ... so CUTE!! It was such a delight to spend some quality time with you and Lincoln!! And, to see Dave. Lincoln is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Big hugs and lots of love to you three, Holly

Kirsty said...

OHhhhhhh I love him so much. He is ADORABLE and getting so chubby! So glad he is doing well, praying that his healing will continue.

The Small Bevell Bunch said...

Kim he is getting so big!! I love the new pictures of him he looks so healthy and strong!! I hope it continues to be good news and progress from here on out!! We will still be praying for your family! BTW Blake loves looking at his cute pictues!!

Charis said...

He looks so content and peaceful while receiving his food. Soon he'll love the taste and be ready to eat it ;-) Until then he can enjoy being 'lazy' and get the food directly in his belly! It's a good life!