Whenever he shows up I am instantly relieved mostly beacuse he has an amazing sense of calm and perspective that he brings to any situation, and secondly because I know for the time he is there that I do not have to carry this burden on my own. He gets it- he has been here from the beginning and he always reminds me that it is all going to be OK. I am so thankful for a husband that takes his responsibility as a husband and a father more seriously than anything in the world. He loves me and I know that by the way he treats me ALL the time. Through this whole journey he has been my anchor and he is full of faith and goodness that I can not describe. He is an amazing father. I want Lincoln to know just how blessed he is to have his daddy.
One day Lincoln, you will look at this book (blog I will one day have printed as a book for you) and I want you to know that your dad's greatest joy is to snuggle you and talk to you and read books to you. I sometimes watch him talk to you and my eyes fill with tears of joy as I witness a grown man talking with such tenderness in his voice. Your dad and I dreamed about you long before you were born. We now are holding you and experiencing you and it is HEAVEN! I know that one day you will also see your dad for everything that he is, and I am sure he will turn into your anchor as well. You are one lucky dude to have such a devoted, loving and soft hearted man as your father.
We have a surgery scheduled for mid morning tomorrow. Lincoln will have a Gastrostomy Tube placed and a Fundoplication to help him be able to eat without reflux and will help him to get full feeds through the G- tube, if he is unable to finish his bottles. This procedure means no more tape mustache and tube down his nose- Yes! AND also means less gagging and most importantly he is one step closer to the front door of the hospital! We'll take it!
Thanks for your prayers, and have a great weekend!
Your story has touched my heart this morning. My nephew was also born at 30 weeks. My sister was on bedrest for over 10 weeks before he was born, most of them spent at Mayo Clinic.
When he came into this world, nobody knew what miracle of life he would be bringing to us.
Through all the trials and sacrifices my sister and her husband have made for this little miracle baby, we pray the same for you.
Stay strong, and I will pray for your beautiful family.
(I meant that we pray for the same OUTCOME for you, not that we pray for your sacrifices and trials to be many!) Sorry!
I came to your blog from Kirsty's and wanted to say hi. :) My daughter has different medical issues, but is equally as complicated. I wanted to tell you that the fundo and g-tube have saved her life. I can remember how exciting it was to see her little face without the tape mustache for the first time in ages. I hope Lincoln's surgery goes smoothly!
Lots of prayers going out to you all as always and especially tomorrow. Lincoln is so blessed to have such wonderful parents, his daddy is amazing as is his mommy xo
I pray that everything went smooth today and there was no hicups in the process!! I am grateful for yesterday and getting to know you better! Thank you for being so positive and up lifting me!!
Love you guys! Lincoln gets more handsome with each new picture. :) What a precious little angel. We still can't wait to meet our little Superman! Every day, you are in our hearts and prayers. Lots of hugs to each of you.
I hope everything went well! I love how you said, "one step closer to the front door!" You are so cute and clever. Baby steps is right!! Just keep inching your way to that door! We need to have some kind of super party the day you get to carry Lincoln out of the hospital in his car seat to take him HOME. Enjoy all his little milestones until then!! Love the pictures on the crib, Kylie will be SO happy to see those. We love you guys!
I am a friend of Aunt Darlene (same church) and have been praying for you and Lincoln from the first prayer reqeust that was sent out. I had the fundoplication surgery as an adult and it was a life saver - solved all reflux issues and gave me back my life. Just made me a little more connected to this little miracle.
We continue to pray for God's name to be known and that He get the glory through all He is doing in you and Lincoln and through you and Lincoln.
What a handsome little boy you guys have! I can't even imagine how hard this trial has been. You guys are doing an amazing job. We are keeping you in our prayers. Jessica (Barlow) Potter
We hope the homecoming has gone smoothly. There's nothing like being at home in your own space. We just love how much little Lincoln looks like his cousin Billy! They will be good friends and we can't wait to be able to spend family time together. You are always in our hearts and thoughts, we love you all very much!
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