Saturday, August 14, 2010

Surgery Day

The morning of his surgery we left the house at 5:30 and got to the hospital so that we could see him and give him kisses and good luck before the big day. He looked so good and held our little fingers tight. We had family prayer and in my heart I knew it would be OK.

 We met the surgeon- Dr. Sikollo, and the anesthesiologist and they explained it would be about 2 to 21/2 hours and they would come out and let us know how it went. Dave had to leave to go to class, so mom and I sat in the waiting room, my mind pacing the floor, because my body could not. All I did was pray for 2 hours straight. The time passed and the sweet nurse came out and told us everything went fine, they were stitching him up and the doctor would be out shortly to talk to us. Dr. Sikkollo did take care of our little guy, and I trust him even more now. One surgery down, and two to go. When the nirses wheeled him out of the OR, I got to see him and give him a kiss. They then moved him up to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where he gets his own room, complete with cartoons and all. He is living it up now!

When we got to his room. He lay in his little bed completely sedated, with a big incision on his chest and a chest tube draining blood etc. from his lungs. He was a bit swollen and it would have scared anyone half to death, but I felt peace and knew he was OK. He is my little man, the toughest little guy ever!


Jenny said...

Oh Kim, You are such a strong person. Your spirit is just what Lincoln needs. I feel your love and positive outlook from here! You are such an amazing MOMMY. What a sweet little guy, Lincoln looks darling :)

julie! said...

Kim thank you for sharing these special experiences with us. What an amazing little boy. I am so excited to meet him one day. You and Dave are such incredible people and parents and baby Lincoln is truly blessed to be a part of such an amazing family.
We love you guys.

julie! said...

By the way, I see so much of you in his sweet little face. I think he has your nose :)

Amber said...

Dave and Kim,
My whole heart goes out to you. You are both so strong and Lincoln is SO incredibly blessed to have been born to such faithful parents! You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong for your little man! He is absolutely adoreable by the way!

Melissa said...

Hey Kim! Charis told me about Lincoln's blog and I am so glad to see pictures of him and read his story! I am so sorry that y'all have been through so much!

My neice had her baby boy earlier this year and he had four congenital heart defects and needed multiple surgeries. We were all so worried for him! Thankfully, he made it through all those surgeries and is happy and well today! It really is miraculous what they can do these days! I just wanted to tell you that so that you can maybe take some comfort in hearing of another baby who had made it through safely!

I will pray for your little guy and you and look forward to reading many more updates on him!

Congratulations on your baby son! :)

Charis said...

Oh what a sweet little boy, who has already endured so much. He truly is a fighter and will continue to be. His home coming will be all that much sweeter! I love his little hat. I loved it when the NICU put hats on my babies.

Kirsty said...

Oh Kimmie. He is soooo precious and cute. You can tell that he is such a strong and peaceful spirit just like his very special beautiful mommy. Keep fighting sweet Lincoln. I have been praying for him and wondering about him so much. Thank you for creating this blog. I will follow every post and he is in our every prayer xoxoxoxoxoxo

Freeman Family said...

Kimmy you are amazing!! We love and pray for you, Dave and Lincoln every night! Thanks for the updates!

Shanna, Willy, Forrest, Chan, Darb & Lilli said...

Kim and Dave~

How much we love and miss you all!! We wish we could hug you up! You're little precious baby is the most adorable boy! I am so sorry that you both have to go through the worries and stress of this situation. We are always talking and thinking positively for you. There isn't one day that goes by that we aren't jumping for joy that little Lincoln is doing better and better. I was so thrilled to hear the news that he's gaining weight today--yeah! You know, he was born on the day of the winner...he's gonna fight with all his might for sure. Keep the faith and we will always keep you in our prayers. Kisses and hugs for you ALL!
Sis Shanna