Monday, April 4, 2011

We're Back

Last week Lincoln and I took a trip home to Reno to visit our family and friends. We stayed for a week and we experienced a lot of rain, snow and some crazy wind. Lincoln has never experienced really cold weather before and it was a shock to him as well as to me actually. We have been spoiled with Vegas weather and wearing flip flops in January.

We enjoyed our visit so much and I loved that Lincoln was able to meet so many people that have thought about and prayed for him for so long.  We wished we had more time to see more of you, but... we will be back in Reno the last two weeks in April and for sure would love to see anyone who is available.

Lincoln loves to be around people and loved all the attention. I forgot my camera on a few of our visits with fam and friends, but I caught a few cute shots...

                                                     Cousins Ben and Amanda were so cute with him.

Snuggling with Grandma

Aunt Kaly

Kisses from Aunt Dawnie

Snuggling with Grandpa

Playing with Aunt Nee Nee

Tummy Time

The Event we traveled so many miles for... Amanda in Tortoise and The Hare. (Wink, Wink.)
As much as I love to visit and to be with our loved ones, it is awful hard to be away from the one you love MOST. After a long week away from Daddy we were long overdue for lounging and snuggle time. We caught up on a lot of that this last weekend.  
 As for what we have been up to since our return home, well, we have been working diligently on sitting up. I try not to let Lincoln lay down as much and we work those tummy and back muscles often.

 As soon as he finds himself on his belly he rolls to his side and on to his back. What am I gonna do?

                                                 He is getting better everyday at sitting up.
                          And yes, he still loves his baby food and he is determined to feed himself.
 My friend from home HAND-MADE this adorable hat for Lincoln and gave it to me at my shower.  I could not wait for the moment my little guy would wear this hat. When we brought him home from the hospital we tried it on him and the hat swallowed up his face. Now, 4 months later the hat is getting quite small and I am so glad I got these cute pics of him wearing it before it completely wont fit.

 Another favorite past time of Lincoln's is reading. He LOVES when we read him books and he loves to hold the book himself and he does so perfectly. It is my very favorite thing to watch him learn and study the pictures and soak up all the goodness books provide little minds.

 Yep. Jesus Loves me... that is his favorite at the moment. I love it! It even sings the song while you read! Thanks Auntie Dar!!!

 And... we are slowly working on getting Lincoln used to the pool. We started with dipping our feet...
                              He wasn't too sure, but we took a quick dip anyway...

 And then we headed back to our chair where we spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and enjoying the 90 degree weather.

                                                            Happy Spring Everyone!

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