Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas!

                                    Merry Christmas from the cutest little Christmas Elf.
Our little guy is doing so well. After a couple of very busy, difficult weeks we are feeling more settled. I am getting very used to all of his little sounds and which cries mean what. For the first two weeks we saw a lot of this face. I feel like he cried so much, but we are slowly learning what works best for him and are much more calm in our approaches to soothe and console him.
We are all getting used to less sleep, a tight schedule of doctor appointments and a tedious med schedule. He is doing fairly well sleeping and is on a pretty good schedule. He goes down for bed at 7:00 each night and wakes up at 10, 1, and 4 for feeds and meds. Overall he is happy and smiley and loves to be held and cuddled.

 He loves toys and sounds and Christmas lights.  We are still going to hyperbaric treatments daily and a bunch of specialist appointments which will start to be less and less as he continues to make progress. The Plastic Surgeon said he should be ready for skin grafts in about 6 weeks. He is eating so much better from the bottle lately, which gives us hope that we will be able to take out the feeding tube sooner than we thought. Daddy is the master feeder. Lincoln eats best for him.

We are so looking forward to the holidays and going home for a few days to see our family and friends.
At this time of year it is always nice to reflect even more than usual on Christ and what His life and death has done for us, and all that He makes possible. I know we could never do any of this without His help and hope daily.
Lincoln received a really cute Santa hat from his Auntie Dawn and I must say it just looks precious. Having Lincoln home and with us constantly is the best present we could have ever imagined! We are so happy and grateful this season for ALL the miracles that have taken place over the past year. We have living proof in front of our eyes each day that miracles do happen when we believe!  Merry Christmas!


Kirsty said...

He could not be cuter! So overjoyed that you are all together at home. Continued prayers for you all xox Merry Christmas!

The Small Bevell Bunch said...

Kim I am so happy for you guys.. He is getting so big and Super cute!! So excited that you get to spend the holidays with your family. Let me know if you need anything!

HILL HESS said...

Merry Christmas! So glad to hear he is improving so much. Hang in there with the sleep! That is a rough regimen!
love you